Our mission is simple: help candidates, committees, and organizations reach more people, raise more money, and earn more votes.


From school board races to Congressional campaigns, we’ll craft a digital marketing and fundraising plan custom-built for your needs.


Fundraising, emails, websites, content, ads & more; we grow and create meaningful relationships between you and your audience.


Full-service, white glove digital marketing and fundraising for nonprofits and media companies, big and small.


Winning Tuesday has championed best-in-class work for many candidates, committees, and organizations. Look through some of our marketing and campaign case studies to get a feel for what it’s like to work with us.

Headquartered in Orange County, California, our team is made up of experienced marketers, communicators, political strategists, analysts, ad ops, developers, designers, copywriters, photographers and videographers.

Winning Tuesday oversaw the creation of our new website, social media content, and fundraising emails. They gave me peace of mind that our digital operations were in good hands so that I and my ground team could focus on our tasks.

Cassandra VandenbergLong-time Fundraiser and Founder of Vandenberg & Associates


Fill out this form and a member of our team will get in touch as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

"*" indicates required fields

We’re thrilled to share that Winning Tuesday has launched a new digital fundraising company: Get Out The Lists!

GOTL enables candidates, committees, and organizations to reach millions of Republican “small-dollar” donors nationwide via email and text. 

Get Out The Lists has had a busy ‘24 cycle and will be a fundraising force for many years to come, during and between election cycles. 

Reach out to learn more 🤑. Link in bio.
We’re proud to be part of the California GOP Delegation at this historic 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. While we are digital operators at heart, nothing compares to the magnetic energy you feel when thousands of patriots unite to make history in person. 🇺🇸 #rnc
🏆🏆 We’re thrilled to announce that Winning Tuesday’s website launch for the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) has earned two Communicator Awards: Best Non-Profit Website and Best Website Redesign of the Year.

Big thank you to @combatantisemitism for allowing us to support the fight against antisemitism and to @commawards for this recognition.

Here’s to reaching new milestones together! 💪

#CommunicatorAwards #WinningTuesday
It was an honor to present at the @leadershipinstitute's ElecTech conference in SF. The event focused on digital innovation in politics and campaigns. Our reminder to the audience: 

While tech continues to evolve (good!), humans will remain creatures of STORY. Voters, donors, volunteers, PEOPLE have always and will always connect with candidates and causes through STORIES. Every candidate, campaign, and committee MUST TELL A COMPELLING STORY.

Big congrats to LI on a successful event!
🏆 We’re thrilled to announce a big win—Winning Tuesday brings home a Pollie Award!

This honor from the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) recognizes our team’s commitment to excellence, specifically for our work on Assemblyman Bill Essayli’s website (California, AD-63). Asm. Essayli is restoring common sense to the Golden State, and we’re proud to amplify his mission.

A heartfelt thank you to @the_aapc for this prestigious recognition and to @billessayli for the opportunity to serve an important cause.

Here’s to many more achievements together! 💪

#PollieAwards #WinningTuesday
As featured in the Los Angeles Times. Make the election about Joe Biden. Simple, yes, but the Democrats are doing everything they can to make the election about anything else.
🔍 "The McGovern Defense Plan" (1972) was a powerful ad by Democrats for Nixon.
✅ Simple
✅ Visual
✅ Low Cost
🎯 Masterclass 🎯
Today we launched OC Playbook, the newsletter for Orange County politicos!

Join for free: (Link in bio)
Winning Tuesday is thrilled to receive FIVE nominations at the 2024 Reed Awards!

✅ Best Online Advertising Campaign
✅ Best Online Political Video
✅ Best Email Acquisition Program
✅ Best Website for County, Local, or Judicial Campaign
✅ Best Action Center/Grassroots Website

We are honored by the recognition and a huge shout out to our incredible team for their hard work. 💪

Next stop: the awards ceremony in Charleston, SC on March 21. 🎉 #reedawards @campaignsandelections
🏆🏆🏆🏆 4X platinum for Winning Tuesday at the AVA Digital Marketing Awards! 

'Rachel's Story' is resonating with industry leaders, who recognize an impactful campaign when they see one. 

Congratulations to the Winning Tuesday team, and a big thank you to the @avadigital_awards.
🏆 Winning Tuesday struck Gold at the Viddy Awards!🏅

Winning this award for “Rachel’s Story” in the “Marketing / Advertising Campaign” category is very meaningful. At the heart of Winning Tuesday’s mission is highlighting the stories of people like Rachel to drive positive change at the ballot box.

A big thank you to everyone who worked on this project and to the Viddy Awards for this incredible recognition! 🙌🏼
Rafael Struve joins the WT team after years of experience helping conservatives in Texas win. He is the Communications Director for Texas Young Republicans, and was previously a Grassroots Field Associate for Americans for Prosperity, and a Regional Field Director for Texas Latino Conservatives. Welcome to the WT team, Rafael!
At the AAPC's California Regional Conference last week, WT partner Jared Sichel shared a case study on "Finding THE Story" — drawing from WT's work in 2022 on the campaign to recall Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon. Last summer, WT ran a 26-day digital advertising campaign highlighting the story of "Rachel", who was a crime victim, and ultimately a victim of Gascon's policies.

WT's task was to reach voters via digital, but time was short and budgets were limited. It would have been impractical to exhaustively test dozens of victims' stories. We had to identify and leverage the MOST POWERFUL story, the one that would connect with voters on a visceral level, deep enough to motivate them to share their name, email address, and mailing address with the campaign. 

Within 48 hours of selecting Rachel's story as our "all-in" campaign, we executed the creative and launched the campaign on Meta. Our ads reached 651,642 unique individuals in LA County and generated 28,281 leads (name, email, mailing address). 
The campaign's success was due to many factors, but the most critical one was selecting the right story.

Watch Rachel's Story 👉
"Kennedy for Me” (1960) is one of the most effective campaign ads ever. It holds up 63 years later.

3 reasons why:

1) The Melody: Hear it once, hum it all day.

2) It’s Witty: Kennedy is “old enough to know and young enough to do,” a clever rebuttal to the critique of Kennedy's youth and alleged inexperience.

3) Empowering Voters: “It’s strictly up to you.”

Stellar creatives stand the test of time. "Kennedy for Me" will remain a masterclass in persuasion 63 years from today.
Fake news isn't new.
One more time for the people in the back!
Profile in courage.
VP Kamala 'Thanos' Harris really said this. Quiet part out loud?
The Empire Strikes Back?

Take Twitter, cut the intelligence of the posts by 50%*, and add more censorship 👉 Threads. *(no offense to Insta addicts)

Why would Twitter users post on Threads beyond copying/pasting tweets? 
Twitter and Reddit remain the most vibrant digital town squares. 
Meta's capital and user base — not the appeal of the current Threads product — are why we take Threads seriously.
"All men are created equal." These 5 words, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 profoundly shaped U.S. history for over a century, ultimately helping doom the institution of chattel slavery. Yes, Jefferson owned slaves. Like all individuals, he was a product of the world he lived in and of his position in society. But unlike most people, Jefferson risked everything for an ideal and declared that it is the God-given birthright of all humans to have "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Happy 247 America. 🇺🇸
"Americans are obsessed with their rights. Japanese with their obligations. Here, Japan has it right. People who prioritize what they owe others make society better than people who prioritize what they feel others owe them." 

Link in bio for Jared's op-ed in @realdailywire
WT partner Jared Sichel with Natan Sharansky — a living, breathing symbol of freedom defeating tyranny — at the Combat Antisemitism Movement’s roundtable in NYC yesterday.
Should conservatives abandon public education, or work to make public education more conservative?
Creatively reimagining familiar branding helps bring attention to a new problem. Especially when that problem is government negligence leading to wildfires.
Why do conservatives feel like they are always on the defense while progressives advance their agenda everywhere all at once? Winning Tuesday's Jared Sichel answers this question in his latest @newsweek op-ed (link in bio).
God wants us to be free. Happy Passover to our Jewish friends and to everyone fighting against tyranny, here in America and around the world. #winningtuesday
And don't you forget it!
America is politically divided. Yet, from TV, film, and music to technology and journalism, there is little division or competition. The left is dominant.

One of the political consequences of the under-representation of conservatives in media, art, and technology is that Republicans simply have far less elite talent at their disposal than Democrats, who can leverage Hollywood and Silicon Valley to create stunning art and utilize powerful technology.

What's the solution?

Long-term, conservatives must do two things: First, do not surrender the fight to re-balance legacy cultural and technological institutions. They are not going anywhere, and they are too powerful to ignore. They don't have to be right-wing or left-wing. Simply not alienating half the country would be a tremendous improvement.

Wherever possible and practical, conservatives must create their own media, entertainment, and technology — this is already happening.

But while these new cultural institutions are erected, influence is 24/7, and elections are every 2 years. In the short term, Republicans must work with conservatives who operate at a Hollywood and Silicon Valley level.

The GOP may be the Grand Old Party ... but does the brand have to feel stale? Conservatives may have little influence in Silicon Valley, but there is no excuse for any Republican's website, platform, or software to be anything less than a pleasure to use.

Republicans can look sleek, feel smooth, and perform stellarly on digital (no, really!). This is Winning Tuesday's goal: to help Republicans level-up their digital game RIGHT NOW while conservatives work to take back the culture long-term — by combining Hollywood artistry, Silicon Valley execution, and American values.
Freshly published, a Newsweek op-ed authored by Winning Tuesday’s own Jared Sichel, highlighting why the right has a natural edge in audio — podcasting and radio especially. (LINK IN BIO)

The competition for affecting hearts and minds through the medium of audio — as with every other influential platform — is fierce and requires a combination of outstanding product with a thorough understanding of digital advertising.

While podcasting as a medium is still in its adolescence, it has already created stars across the political spectrum.

But with the left’s control of Big Tech, and ad conversion tracking technology, for podcasts, still in its early stages, conservative content creators have a hard time ensuring a positive ROI when advertising their podcasts on digital.

Over the past few months, to address this challenge, Winning Tuesday has built custom-made, proprietary workflows to measure and track conversions from podcast ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Our innovative method has been put to the test in growing the audiences of two recently-launched conservative shows, and the results are exciting: in just six weeks of testing, we have driven tens of thousands of unique individuals to these shows, with a particular focus on audio downloads.

Launching new shows with brilliant, freedom-loving, conservative thinkers is a must, but so is developing and adopting the technology required to support their growth.

Podcasting is an open, competitive market, for now. We're here to help ensure that the good guys win it.